Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Making Improvements

Overall it's actually a lot of fun to hang out with people and be nice. The personality of just talking out of turn to blurt out stuff is just what you do I guess to have fun. It probably starts off as annoying for some people before getting improved from maturing. It's just practically meant to be funny I guess and no actual harm done. Some of the things I have heard from co-workers is pretty aggressive, and they are putting up a stance against each other. One of the guys tells the other to shut up all the time! In this case, I don't think it's meant to be a fun thing to do with each other then. It doesn't mean that the laughter goes away while thinking about it.

Being around ladies, I'm around a lady who is studying to be a doctor. She is very open about telling me how the female body works with me in informal terms. She will even put a spin on the psychology of women, which can be quite helpful. It's nice to have a lovely friendship with these types of girls. However, I don't really find myself to be super attracted to her yet. I guess I'll keep an open mind about it because she does come across as the successful type. What I'm trying to get at mainly to stick to the title is that I'm talking more freely with girls and I had trouble doing this. I still had girls approaching me in college, and my dumb mind at the time didn't know they were actually attracted to me. I was like thinking I'm too short so I'm not going to do much and hide how much I feel so sad!

It makes it a lot easier now to have female friends I can relate to because I can say much and they will take a little offense to it! Like with my little sister, I just talked about junk all day and all night back then that she tired of it eventually and wanted to lock me in my own room and make me never come out. I was very annoying to her because I was a lost cause and such a hard worker at being one. I guess I'm lucky to finally realize all of this and to have made the right choice of trying to leave that stupid old church out of my crazy schemes. I still play an instrument and sing a song I modified just for Crazy Lee. It starts like this, "Lee I know you let yourself down. Lee, I can tell by the fact you'll come around..."