Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Working Through Discomfort

I'm realizing for myself that it's common for people to be impulsive over the little things. Sometimes, it gets too annoying for me and I'm so mad about it. This is an area where I have been learning to control without letting myself get it out of hand. I have to admit though that when I let loose on the person I'm mad at, it feels really good sometimes even if I'm just imagining it happening.

I think it's because of my faith in Jesus that I don't really want to be an impulsive and angry person over the little stuff that annoys me about people. From having ran outdoors quite a lot so far for exercise and experiencing some hardships in the past with completing assignments successfully and feeling so great about achieving high marks, I can see that things can't always feel good in life and it's something that you just have to work at and be consistent in while hoping to get lucky and be right about it!

It's really tempting everyday to make fun of people I'm still mad at over silly things in the past. I have been learning to try to deal with it in a more positive manner, but I have to admit it feels so good to send them a message and start laughing at them for the effect it is about to cause them. I'm just starting to not really care so much about the little things these days and realizing there are more important things to look after, despite competing with others at similar interests sometimes.

There's a smart and holistic way that can work for everyone and this is what I want to continue to believe. Now, I have learned that it's important to sometimes just stick it out even when you aren't feeling it. I hope to become a rich and very athletic gentleman soon and with all the confidence in the world a short man would ever want to score the best wife he could ever dream of.