Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Letting Things Go

Man, this really sucks because as a Christian, I made an oath that isn't sinful. If it was sinful, then by default I could pray for forgiveness and repent of that thought and move on with the Lord's grace and mercy overflowing my life with the help of the Holy Spirit and God's gracious Word! It means that I'm obligated to carry it out and it's a burden I placed upon myself- it's like a debt that I have to pay off even though I don't want to now. Therefore, it's really important to be careful about swearing an oath. I'm not going to talk about my oath because it's going to scare the people at that old church I really hate these days. Hate the sins, not the people. It's more similar to like saying hate the game, not the players!

Yeah, we live in a fallen world so no church is perfect and that's the truth. I'm moving on from what happened in the past because it didn't matter. It wasn't serious with them acting crazy about stuff with me. I really don't care and know they were under a state of psychosis from being so angry about nothing important and wanting to take matters into their own hand. It was seriously overdoing it on their end, but it ended up with nothing really that bad happening to me even though they said it would. It was just them being really crazy after all and so I was just having trouble managing the past because I was mad they would behave so inappropriately. Oh well, it's something I have been continuing to work on for myself. From doing so, it's even helping me with my own personal relationships with others so after all, it is a positive even though the experience sucked and I swore an oath that isn't sinful and I'm bound to fulfill it under Christian principles.