Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Being Patient

I think it's very important to let things move on while focusing on working hard to make yourself happy. I mean I'm very committed these days to just write something on here which can take me only a few minutes sometimes. Everything is starting to flow better from finding personal acceptance with how things came about and even though I'm bothered by it a little, it isn't hard for me to not let those negative feelings get the best of me anymore. 

I have grown to be a pretty practical person, but I am still a little slower than what I expect out of myself with grasping any situation. I'm just going to have to keep on working at it and doing my best while exercising self-discipline with a positive attitude. I can suck at life sometimes, but I care about always improving myself so I see there's room for me to still grow even though my mind feels overloaded with stuff sometimes.