Thursday, October 14, 2021

Understanding How I Function Happily

I'm starting to understand that applying my faith in Jesus is allowing me to sustain a high amount of positive energy. I really do understand that I like to prioritize being a very focused individual and perfectionist to the point that any little detail of messing up can drive me crazy. I can really keep my head dwelling with negative energy on that one small thing. Learning to control this has taken me a long time because I didn't even know this is who I was to begin with. 

I have a proper visual of what will make me a completely happy individual and that I don't mind working at it while keeping myself smiling about reaching this goal. This is really the purpose of my small, insignificant life and I owe it all to Christ from believing he died for all our sins! I just consider myself to be an average person and very happy about staying that way. My view of the average life is just being a millionaire with a good home, sexy and loving wife with maybe an adorable kid or two, athletic with like a six pack and muscles, and fully content about living life. It's the full package for being just another average guy.

To me, all of this is just average and nothing really that extravagant after achieving all of it. It's something that I want to work towards, so right now I'm too focused on achieving my financial, physical, and spiritual goals to really care about asking out another woman. It's because I want to be prepared to take care of her once she ends up digging me and I find out that I can have a good future with her. I don't really mind with this taking me a long time because I'm so open-minded about it. I'm not going to kill myself over it. Pretty much, I'll get there or die trying while taking my time on it.