Friday, October 8, 2021

Thinking About Dating Potential Future Partner

Right now, there's a person who I think is the closest to being my ideal match. I believe that she can be a little full of herself sometimes and then it can lead to a small mishap with others that she takes seriously upon herself. It feels like she's been damaged quite a bit from her last marriage which she made sacrifices for and invested so much energy into, but ended up divorcing over irreconcilable differences. I'm not so sure she's in a great state of mind to try to date seriously right now, but she is an amazing person to be close hangout buddies with though. She's been like my best friend over these past few months since she reminds me often to stay over at her place. 

I think she's being full of herself when she says that I'm like a brother to her while participating in a discussion with some friends. Boy, she treats me so favorably if that's the case! I feel like she's contradicting herself, but when I think about it for myself, I'm not interested in jumping into any serious relationship at this time. I want to stay busy and focus on fully developing my 'A' game first, before trying to find a fine lady to settle down with.