Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Coming Across More Understanding of Routine

Currently, I'm trying my best to reach this goal of becoming a millionaire with a six pack. I have been messaging a Christian girl who might sound a little hostile with me sometimes, but I definitely have a stronger influence upon her now than before. It's crazy because I know I could be selfish all I want to and put her down so much while getting away with it if I want to, but I don't out of my fear in the Lord. 

She tried to reach out to me out of a misunderstanding that I was just bragging about my goals, which I wasn't. I explained to her that it really isn't anything worldly but something I'm doing from being happy in the Lord. 

Philippians 4:8 talks about how anyone should apply themselves in a highly positive manner and reach excellence. We can do this by dedicating ourselves to the Lord on reaching our goals. 

It looks like my interpersonal senses are back up and I can definitely tear apart my old and foolish Bible study group if I want to for the past conflict they forced upon me. I can turn into like the chess piece that the spiritual Enemy uses to terrorize them! God will probably even allow it for a while, if I pursued it. I choose to take a nicer path, but it will definitely be an unsettling learning experience for them. Those are the best situations to be forced into because it's like being put in the hot seat while not knowing what you are getting into and going to inevitably fail. In the aftermath, a true believer should look to come to the Lord while humbled and be brought back up again.