Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Focusing on Building Wealth

I am now ready to embrace however long it takes on my own time to become a millionaire and not have to work a single day in the office anymore! It looks like I'm buying into strategies from two investing groups for doing stocks and anything else related to it. I'm about half-way there now with turning a net profit from what I paid out of pocket to use their resources. It's been only a year and to me that's pretty good for the long term and stable process that I'm buying into.  

I'm still working on a convenient system with the Forex market but it looks like I'm back down to trading only the Daily and looking at it once ideally in the mornings. I don't really want to constantly check it every four hours, when I prefer just letting it sit there comfortably in a highly volatile market with a stop loss level that can hit at any given moment! 

I'm just going to let my cryptocurrencies keep on riding at this point while not purchasing any more. I really need an edge that I believe in and something that I can simply apply to gain a lot of profit and I think I have the system in mind that interests me but it's on hold for me this year. 

To add to my side business of trading and investing, I'm also interested in programming an app to sell on the market now to gain some profit and experience. I'm also not playing Poker that often anymore but I think I picked up on a resource for playing successfully at the micro level, so it's just to have fun mainly while trying to win in the long run on average.