Friday, March 25, 2022

Real Things

I have been curious to explore more about my physical attraction with women. I'm not going to lie in that I find busty and slim women to look incredibly hot. I don't know if they are in good health though, like they could be fragile. I also don't know if they are crazy or insecure about the people they want to date. 

Despite the attraction, it's just like eye candy to me and there's really no relationship so it doesn't make sense for me personally to pursue after them out of just that feeling. I don't need to be selfish and have them always make me feel happy like they are some sort of trophy to collect! They are still people who have an appearance that I like in a shallow manner. I don't even know if this is a good thing for me, considering how they could have bad people obsessed about them. 

I'm in good mental health now and almost at an all time high. I'm not interested in looks anymore and would like to marry someone who has the personality I'm definitely pleased with. My other close friend who has the qualities I look for in a partner isn't really all that great of a person to always be around. She whines too much about her personal insecurities, but remains a good person for me to just hang out with. I think I can be with someone better than her too!