Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Finding Good Ground

I'm starting to understand that I need to prioritize my personal time better with doing the things I want to catch up on for a better life later. I can't really afford to enjoy what the rich people get to do in their leisurely time. I have work to do and goals to reach. What I'm learning now is that even if I never reach the success level that I'm hoping for, I'm still going to be happy with myself for the rest of my life. 

I want to focus on building wealth through making more money and working out. I would really like to keep building upon those areas while I do what I can with maintaining my important personal relationships. 

This practically means that I won't really be able to watch the postseason for baseball, since I'm writing this in October of last year. This is pretty funny in that this post is already backed up by several months and I'm already reserving posts for the end of January this year.