Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Seeking Things Positively

I actually think it's pretty funny to be rejected and have situations not go so well for me anymore. I'm pretty weird in that I take it lighthearted for myself. One can probably call it a defense mechanism from going nuts! 

It's really about keeping the right perspective. My free and nice dating coach basically said to always not make things too weird and be nice during the process of finding the one. It helps to be smooth by covering it up with an actual purpose that makes a whole ton of sense and being quick to bow out on a positive note if a person isn't interested in having their life interrupted. Smiling and maintaining eye contact is the key! 

How basic is it really. Now I know that my close friend was initially interested in me from remembering her body language. She's too much and weird though with so much anxiety and then she ended up pushing it off indefinitely with me. I'm not interested in her either and I'm probably going to keep on saying this for a while. It's possible we could both find that bridging gap someday to meet in the middle, but I don't think she's the type of lover I'm looking for. I'll maintain being close friends with her and I like how I feel comfortable being around her now. It's like our doors are open with each other and we do express a good kind of love which is family oriented. 

Human interactions can really be broken up into a science and be turned into something like a business! It's not really as complicated as one might think.