Friday, April 29, 2022

Making Money Plan

As of right now, I think I have a decent stash of money saved up to make a good run for gaining riches while playing it moderately safe. I believe in a well-balanced, diversification model so I'm not going to put all my money in one thing without understanding the volatility of it and going after feeding greed. I have a friend like this who became overconfident about his sources and ideas put together and then went for putting everything in one asset while letting himself suffer with maintaining a living. It's not really that smart to be honest.

I'm ready to start making a move on volatile markets to make some money. I'm more of a swing trader so that means to me trying to keep it in there as long as possible or until it hits my stop loss if I end up taking a loss. It's part of the game and something that I'm understanding as part of my strategy. Because these swings can be violent in a short period of time, I find myself feeling pretty confident about exiting with a profit when my system brings up some pullback or possible reversal without any confirmation yet. 

This is starting to turn into an art form for me, based on a system that's built off of positive reinforcement and a sense of security. I don't really give into my emotions as much anymore, so it helps to have this personal system in place. Successful investing or trading is in its essence about having wealth transferred over to you from others who aren't playing by their own profitable set of rules. Hopefully, these individuals won't stay in the market for too long if they don't want to improve their trading habits. I'm currently profiting for almost four months straight now. It could finally be a winner that leads me to financial independence!