Sunday, April 17, 2022

Toning It Down

I'm now realizing that I can use my truthful words like a weapon to hurt the feelings of unsuspecting women who are my good friends. They aren't perfect by all means, and I never really intend to hook up with them so I've felt that all this chaos and trouble in relationships wouldn't happen with an ideal partner but I know it's never going to happen. 

The soulmate/buddy I made fun of was intentional for me to have a selfish purpose of laughing off an insecurity permanently. She rubbed me off the wrong way a few times from boasting about how she dates only taller men than me. I also never let her know which was probably why she reacted like this- she didn't make light of the situation and decided to drop me out of her life. I don't think she's that happy about making this impulsive decision. It's not a serious thing for me, and I'm glad that I went through with it to test our friendship. 

I'm learning that my height isn't really that much of a disadvantage to me but can just as much define who I am in a positive way. I've focused on greater things that a person can achieve on his own like wealth, great health, and better personality while being insecure about my height. 

It's now that a close friend and God bless her heart and hope she thrives forever has gifted me with a couple practical truths that were picked up from her therapy sessions. Mainly, it's about being mindful and developing positive affirmations with any distracting insecurity.