Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Starting All Over

Well to start off the new year, I'm writing this post on January 7 of this year by the time this post pops up. It's interesting how interest in this blog has its cycles and how there's so many opinions that I still have to express while just venting all about it anonymously. It feels great to be a nobody out there and post some digital content to just express how I feel in words. 

Anyway, my attractive close friend is all of a sudden too much for me to ever want to hook up with. She's never going to hear that, unless she had it coming! I'm writing it here to prepare for that moment, just in case. 

She's not attractive because she's mentally crazy sometimes over the little things. She isn't even the most beautiful specimen out there and I feel stuck sometimes talking to her because I want to be a kind person, which I don't mind. Therefore she's a close friend!