Friday, April 1, 2022

Starting to Make Sense

I have a strong opinion that's formed based on my past experiences with people like Crazy Lee and a Chinese American guy named Washington. They were a bunch of weird wackos who were fussing about a petty situation they felt paranoid about! I was trying to be agreeable with them but Washington went around gaslighting others with his insecurity. At least he thought it to be true but he was a total jerk about it. His past relationship fell apart and he's probably never going to be around anymore ever. I'm glad I made peace with him a while ago, but that fool put a restraining order on me that was dismissed and I didn't even show up for the hearing from laughing about it while under pain of losing a friend, of course! 

It was crazy dealing with a man who was acting like a scared and spiteful little woman! Let bygones be bye bye gones. I wish I had the courage to tell everyone to go see a therapist back then. It was like total taboo for me to bring up and my manly personality was going to reject it and still does but I'm making do from being my own confident and mindful shriek! I'm saving myself tons of money reading books and doing inspired research like an Asian going bargain shopping.  

From these experiences, they suck and hurt but without accepting them, there's no way of understanding what's required with obtaining your true happiness. A friend claims I'm just dwelling on negativity; however, I see all of this as positive while playing out possible scenarios freely in my head. I have absolute personal freedom and a sense of nobility that I could embrace to legitimately feel like I'm better than anyone in the world! Yeah, let's go get that money, beach body, and cute girlfriend.