Saturday, January 30, 2010

How do you change a sister into a lady?

Hmm, I'm sort of sitting here and realizing something normal which is mature siblings getting along with one another. I guess it's not really a bad thing that my little sister actually texts me back and tells me to grow manners. Man, I must be a pretty messed up individual sometimes when I'm really mad about something. I really vent sometimes by blowing steam at the person's face. I really need to become better at controlling my own anger which stems from feeling inferior. Hey, I'm a pretty short person too so I read about this inferiority complex thing. It's really crazy that I have to deal with this thing with me. I guess I'm trying to get a little sneaky from feeling a little mad about being shorter than others. I have this interesting yoga book that claims to fill your discs on your spinal cord, so someone out there in the internet is reading this pretty Asian blog of how I'm going to try to make myself taller. I have been refuted by close friends that growing taller is not really possible because of D.N.A. I think those friends of mine are actually pretty good friends to me. I think I'm just leaning on trying to let go. Man, I hate feeling a little angry at being a little shorter... I'm not even thirty yet but I am pretty old... man, I wonder if when I'm 40 I'll still think I can grow taller. I gotta try something man. This is going to get a little weird.