Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Random Again

Alright, I have to be working very hard right now. I'm just talking about working hard now. I must be in good position to just write about boring stuff. Okay, with all this time that I have it means that I should stop messing around with stupid video games and watching boring movies. I should really be out there doing something in generating income. I think with all the hard work that I put into it, it would mean a lot of better things for myself. I could relax and go on vacation during the weekend and do some cool stuff. The only problem that I have for myself is that I really don't have any problems and that I should pretty much tolerate my life right now for at least a good year. I need to find a way to reconnect with my friends again and see how they've been and what they have been up to. I need to put good focus on things and not worry about stuff that much anymore. I guess I've been sensitive to this area and that I don't really have to worry so much about it anymore. The money means nothing to me. Driving around people for fun is great. Talking to people is fun. A lot of these things are good and meaningful. I don't need to worry about it that much and just be pretty careful about some things. I should just be very honest and outspoken with the intention of loving others. I want to really model my life after what Jesus did for me.