Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Typing 1 out of 3 Posts

I know that there is a right to type anything truthful about myself. I guess I have some type of flavor that makes it okay for everyone to get along with me. I also don't mind helping out as much as possible even if I'm busy sometimes. I really need to prioritize my life a whole lot better now.

I'm going to change my outlook a little more now. I'm going to basically write anything dealing with the truth even if it's bad on me. I will know that I am saying some negative things about myself and accept them. I will pretty much do this to see if I can overcome circumstances. I really made the decision to never commit suicide no matter how sour the situation gets for me. I might as well lay out the whole truth about myself and let God do the rest for me. I'm a little uncomfortable of saying some things about myself as that's how I grew up. Since this is writing and passive and the world can get in here any moment I decide to run for President or something like that, I'm pretty much projecting myself in a more dishonest or honest way. I will try the best I can to be outspoken in writing with myself. I guess it's the best thing I could do for myself in this blog.