Friday, February 26, 2010

Alrite let's get this feeling out

I think a pastor of a small church, Hope Church LA which is located in Al Hambra, CA is displaying the characteristics of a coward. This guy's name is Chai so if you see this pretty mellowed out face and might be worn out with having three sons and seems to have messages that are a little hard to pick up on me (my own opinion personally because of the distractions I felt with him) then maybe he might come up to say hi to you or maybe not.

Man, my mom sort of hates Chai right now. Yeah, what's a world without a mother placing full support over a son who can be a smart allelic when it comes to dealing with a stupid restraining order (it does not talk) and harassment by simply yelling at them but chooses not to. I guess I was living too much out of fear and did not raise my voice any sooner so that they could listen to my low-tone crooning voice. That's funny because a high-pitched sound travels better physically than a low-tone so it's like when I was trying to talk normally they really were not paying attention to me. When I yelled, they really heard me and just pretty much went "Okay" and then smile or act weird or something. I seriously hate yelling but when you are in a lot of stupid harassment and a restraining order and some people just can't hear you because they are trying to talk over you, you need to step up your voice a little sometimes or just feel like you are way better than them and move on with your life. I'm trying to be humble here in a very gray area which is not so cut and dry.