Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I have love for those who wronged me

I'm starting to feel this amazing love for those who angered me a lot in the past. Currently, there's one guy who I personally sanctioned myself to not to talk to or hang out with. I feel like we've argued so much and I've been irritated with him that I need to take things a little more cooler with him. I guess I purposed in my heart to separate myself with him for the time being now. I hope our relationship can grow stronger as a result of doing this.

I finally see that I love my little sister a lot. Despite her annoying remarks, I think they are becoming so funny to listen to now. My mom told me that it's because I'm growing up a lot now. I feel like I've not woke up to smell the coffee- that I missed so much out of this life out of wanting petty revenge over nothing. Getting back at others in a nice way may not been so evil and my method has been grown to not be so harassing but still it needs to be worked on by changing these angry feelings with love and affection.