Friday, February 26, 2010


I have practically gone without a week of typing stuff on this blog. I guess I've been pretty inward the whole time because I have been wanting to keep my life a secret. I guess being so open about bad stuff makes me pretty uncomfortable. I might as well just be blunt and then if there's something wrong with me, then let the caring professionals convince me through analytical details the problems that I have and recommend me some paths that I should take. I think some people make a living off of that and some really enjoy the rewarding challenges of investing a bit of their energy into helping or mentoring people.

I find it to be very difficult on the topic of mentoring people. I just don't see it working for me all the time. It takes a lot of patience but sometimes I feel like I'm dealt with some people who are just not really that appealing and causing more problems for me, like they won't really communicate at a level I personally have a demand for. Maybe, I'm not really cut out to be a coach. I'm going to have to deal with a lot of stuff but I think there's some fun that could come out of literally having a passion for the game and just getting to relax at times.