Friday, July 2, 2010

Okay, This Time I Hope I Get It

I pretty much want to store some riches so I never would have to worry about money again and just have free time to do things that would require money like affording to give time and contributions to volunteering charities and going to different places.

I have a somewhat sexual addiction so far and am trying to live with it. I'm going to try to pawn my bad sexual habits and give it to the Lord in exchange for a spiritual life of freedom and great self-dependence away from sins. I think sins can actually trap people, even though it seems to give you pleasure but in the end, it feels like for me I regret doing them. Having a life of sin is just not happiness for me after all.

It looks to be seen if I can master patience within myself and actually become fruitful for the Lord's kingdom in every area of my life.  I'm just going to have to try to dodge my sinful nature by being occupied on other things and just have patience to sweat it through with the Lord's guidance keeping me from stooping low and committing a similar sin again. I'm feeling really repulsed about having viewing pleasure with porn now. I'm really getting fed up with it, logically speaking.