Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Exercising Well

Currently, I'm doing about three sets up of 25 quick push-ups separated about a minute apart and then breaking out with a set of 80 sit-ups. I then repeat those exercises again. Afterwards, I go for about a 2.5 mile run. I'm now adding in maxing out my pull-ups from having actually acquired a bar. The next day, I'm giving my abs and biceps a rest by just doing the run and pull-up exercises. I plan on keeping up with this exercise program until I can perform a set of 75 push-ups three times under a minute each and do 150 sit-ups. I'm managing to increase a repetition of push-ups once every two sessions and five reps for sit-ups at the same time.

Once I have that goal down, I plan on focusing on muscle building through the all-body work out programs like P90X and Insanity. It should be pretty cool to be engaged in those things. Also, for being a pretty good looking short fellow, I'm going to attempt to make myself taller by burning possibly less than a thousand each year on healthy nutrition, supplements, and research books to see if I can grow bone tissue well into my later 30s! I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm just crazy about trying because I am willing to spend the money with my hard earned cash!