Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Might Be Living With The Best Options

Being a single male, no kids and obligations to a girlfriend, and having never been in any serious relationship with a girl, I don't really have any excess baggage on me. I'm also clean and pure when it comes to having been with a girl. Because it's just a blog and how I believe in Jesus so much, I might as well just keep this up and preaching about having this living water where you won't ever go thirsty whenever I can.

I'm actually not laughing at jokes so much as I used to. I just look at it and feel comfortable. It's the same way when a girl dresses very attractively in most cases too. I don't really feel bothered so much about the appearances messing with my hormones; I'm the one who controls those physical fun stuff whenever I want to. Okay, sometimes it's a little out of place but it's not something I can't handle and to still make the right, moral decision when the time is made. I might feel a little stupid for not reconciling it in a manner that would make me happy, but yeah, I'm just a little above average than normal; I can say that with a humble and honest attitude.

I'm 30 years old now and still living with my parents. I have paid some rent money to them in the past. I really like this new house we're living in- it's very spacious and I can play with my computers in two different rooms with no one really bugging me. I can also go down stairs and play my piano and practice my love song I wrote for a girl I really have no interest in. I guess it's a typical style of someone who just has a lot of fun with daily things while being by himself.

I think I'm seriously living in the best years of my life. I don't want to waste them away by not carrying out my desires now. Obviously, I never knew what they were until now. As a 30 year old, I've woken up to new details that just naturally flow through my brain cells. I still have issues with concentrating but that's something I need to work on more for myself. My job is the perfect place for me to practice this, and I'm going to do the best I can while being a natural at it.