Saturday, May 24, 2014

Job 32, Job 33

Job 32 pretty much involves Elihu talking in the conversation. He was a young man who accompanied Job's friends and listened in on the conversation. The whole chapter is about him preparing for replying with his own opinion. It's like a great introduction that he made. Job 32:1-2 pretty much reveals how Job fell because he justified himself rather than God for righteousness. Surely, Job did so many great things but I guess sometimes when you get carried away talking about your past, you forget your place. It's really amazing how Job was in the most lowly place and instead of being in mourning and very depressed, he ended up talking about how great he was to his friends. I would have a very hard time with that to be honest. I was also wrong about Job in giving him so much credit of never having sinned; I am a fan of Job!

Job 32:1-2 also gives me insight with some of my experience in how sometimes when a church is run, a group of believers would justify themselves to be righteous over God because they are overseeing the church. I experienced some painful bullying from these individuals while attending a horrible church and not being well-aware of what was going on. I was like a blind man in my head from lacking wisdom.

With Elihu being a young man, he observed the customs of that day which was to respect the elders and let them speak first. It probably still is somewhat today in some cultures, but I think in today's American society, the elders are left in a retirement home! I also think the middle-aged parents pretty much become the boss of their family. Elihu mentions in Job 32:7-8 how age should acquire years of wisdom and teach others, but how there's a spirit in man which gets understanding from God. Job 32:9 states how great men are not always wise, nor do the aged always understand justice!

For Job 33, hearing the voice over of Elihu and covering through the verses makes me want to cry, out of feeling for Elihu. He was agonizing over not voicing his opinion, and he let it go to find relief. In his way of admonishing Job, the way he voiced his words was definitely not an intent for chastising him. I myself have been chastised by my parents and others over matters that aren't very serious; it was hard to keep my heart still and stay relaxed. Elihu's model of rebuking Job is the way to go for me, and I champion the idea of having that type of fair-minded and loving heart. Whether the other person decides to give heed to this positive warning or not, this approach would give my soul rest when it comes down to rebuking another.

I understand where Job messed up. He was pretty much doubting in God's judgement for his own circumstances; it wasn't really God who did the afflicting though, it was from the enemy! I guess that's where we can sometimes forget in how God really works. In Job 33:16-18, Elihu mentions how God seals instructions in the hearts of men and tries to keep them from being destroyed by the hands of the enemy. Job 33:23 talks about a messenger saving the lives among thousands from ending up in hell! I think this is where believers can play a role by sharing their faith and encouraging others to find their place in God's family. Also, the ultimate messenger is of course Jesus, the Son of Man, who caused havoc in hell for the devil after being crucified. If any man would place their faith in Jesus, then he is practically saved from the burning fires of hell.

Job 32:26 mentions something very encouraging- it states that God restores to man His righteousness and from taking delight in God, He shall see the man's face with joy! Job 32:27 states that then the humbled man would admit to his peers that he sinned and it was not right with what he did. Job 32:29 states that God works all these things- I'm not really sure what Elihu means by three times with a man.