Thursday, July 13, 2017

Back To Planning

Okay, I've been just playing this RPG called Dragon's Crown on my PSP Vita. It's something I was able to download from subscribing with PlayStation Plus. It costs $60.00 for a whole year and gives you some games to play unlimited. From all the free games I downloaded last year, it carries over. I have about 10 games downloaded onto my memory card which is not a bad deal considering all of that is pretty much rental. My membership expired and from reactivating it, I was able to resume playing all the past games I downloaded. The only thing is that you don't get to choose, so that's the trade off. The games aren't that bad for not being the most sought after.

That being said, it's a lot of fun to play but I think I need to limit my time on it and focus on other important things before rewarding myself with that activity. I've been having this play first and work later mentality with my personal time. I think I need to instill some discipline on myself, even though it really isn't required with what I have going on now.

My economic situation isn't that bad I guess in the end considering how I made plenty of losing decisions. The fact that I learned from them and still have a sour taste of my past gets me thinking that I need to look past all of it.