Saturday, July 15, 2017

Gameholics Anonymous

I googled for Gameholics Anonymous and it came up with There are no pills needed to join the membership. Heck, there are even no meetings to go to!

Basically, all you have to do is just manage to do other stuff with your time and that's it. It's great fun to play video games, but overly obsessed about playing Dragon's Crown right now where my character called HitMan01 is the best palladin / warrior class ever for his not so high level and when he feasts on a defense potion, he can just unequip the sword and start punching the heck out of the stage boss!

I guess I became creative with Dragon's Crown because I fell in love with playing this game maybe? It's like I felt this sense of euphoria in contrast to feeling slightly unsettled with a girl who I just started to get to know better and hang out with. It's not really me being nervous but I guess it's just spending some time together when we're just hanging out and just being hit with a happy and exciting feeling. Makes me feel a little jumpy. I don't know really. I'm not really trying to force it or anything. The fact that she's really cool is great for me!

I guess that feeling is something I've learned to contain and hide inside of me. It's because of my Napoleon complex where I don't have to struggle that much because it's like I naturally just want to put up a strong effort like I do with being a gameholic.