Friday, July 28, 2017

Observance With Time

When I tell myself that I'm going to just dabble a little with playing video games, each time, it's turned out with me spending hours man! After that, it's like I'm so tired and sleepy to do anything else. I just knock out in my boxers or sometimes even in my work clothes. I don't remember how I got there when I wake up sometimes.

This is what I'm realizing now. It's like when I'm about to get carried away with something, it feels like I'm spending so little time but instead it ends up being a whole lot of time! This is what I'm trying to be more mindful of these days and I like it.

I'm fortunate to feel a lot of luxury with playing video games because it's definitely affordable. However, I want to aim for greater things and work hard at it. I guess I'm just trying to read my heavily stashed hard drive. I have so much topics on there like how to win at gambling (nearly impossible), grow taller ( also nearly impossible), getting the hottest girl of your dreams ( triple impossible almost), and make millions (actually it's doable). I'm just reviewing up on topics with how to make so much money and getting ideas to start my own gig. I would really like to make programming a living for me. I'm working as a coder now.

I'm also a pretty charitable guy but after being scammed by a person who continues to call me "Baby, I love you" with text messages. I'm not buying it, but I'm just being amicable. I'm just being much more cautious. I'm serious about my generosity. I would love to go to medical school to learn how to operate on people and do it for free! If it's a life or death situation and an emergency, it would be just out of charity. If the person is a well-known dangerous criminal then yeah, I think I'll try to operate so that the person stays alive but can't use a gun in the end!