Thursday, July 20, 2017

Withdrawal Symptoms

What I'm noticing now is that spending time on something, time just flies by really fast. It's really going to take a vision or foresight to overshadow my activities and manage time properly.

While craving for sexual activity last night, I managed to walk away from not looking at porn which has been my go to. This is just the first day again. Life is hard so might as well accept it. There's no need to place personal expectations on friends for something that would be displeasing if they didn't.

I have read somewhere that during the first three days, the withdrawal symptoms for wanting to look at porn will be at its highest. I have passed those days with flying colors so many times. It's like I'm wearing a chip on my shoulder all because I'm afraid of premature ejaculation. I don't even have a wife to worry about right now and was just thinking that I could plan light years ahead or something like that.

It seems really stupid for me to do that because I figure love factors in a lot too and that it has to do with more than just having sexual fulfillment.