Monday, July 17, 2017

Time Management Setting

Well it turns out that article I read in under five minutes for time management just may have been a blessing. Listing out the stuff I'm writing down with doing, for my rewards part I'm just putting down a 'little random fun', so there you have it for my list of tasks.

Every little different thing I'm willing myself to do because I don't feel like it, I'm rewarding myself with a little random fun before moving on to the next thing. In the mean time, I'm making some progress with my messaging of ladies. Man, I'm like turning into a player! That's just how I feel, but I just mentioned to them that I want to just be friends because they were crazy with me, but I'm cool like that and like making crazy people turn cool with me. It feels so good for me, so that's why I'm doing it. Especially making a crazy girl turn into a solid friend with you, hmm, maybe she'll end up giving up her life for me or something. A cool prospect like that would definitely be something.

I understand that with our annoyances with one another, it's better to put it aside and work at a relationship. Those former crazy girls would technically be in a relationship with me as good friends because they are straight. From having played an evil dating sim game online, it goes from acquaintance to good friends and then girlfriend or sex buddy. The grand finale of that game is the main character enjoying sex in the form of animated porn. Boy, this can get creative.