Monday, July 31, 2017

Winning Attitude

Well with Lee, who I'm just bringing up because this thought from the past is coming to resolve itself these days, I just have to thank the Lord for providing me with a wonderful opportunity to develop my problem solving skills as a programmer. I love my line of work.

Lee looks I mean crazy bad and it's not even serious on my end. It's all because she ended up failing to do something to me. She also went against God's principles while being mad so yeah, she had a bit trouble with self-control. It's crazy because whatever I said sometimes it would just set her off in the wrong direction. It didn't matter whether I was trying to be nice or defiant. I'm sure she hated me not listening to her and that's what made matters worse. She thought she had some God-given authority over me, and I thought that was a bunch of nonsense. Oh well, I forgive her for her dumb and unkind conduct with me. Besides, she didn't get that very far with whatever she was trying to accomplish with me. It also didn't turn out to be that serious. On top of that, it's a huge minus to everyone who supported Lee's cause. Like a domino effect, they all fall down.

Just because Lee sucked and was unreliable, I'm not mad about the incident anymore. I just hate to lose friends and was totally frustrated by the outcome that it was leading to with my relationships at that church. I'm more understanding about it now and wish to just be friends. I'm watching my back with these people though, that's for sure!