Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Regrets From Yesterday

Well, I'm happy that I got off of work early yesterday. That's something I definitely don't regret. What else do I not regret? No, I'm just kidding. I regretted watching television with my parents and it felt like a long time after awhile.

I then ended up playing MTG with my spiced up deck. The only changes I made it to is that I diced it up a lot, so that means I actually significantly made changes to it. Normally, one would expect something from reading and then some detail just hits you which is actually annoying to some or could be quite funny because of the lack of seriousness. Imagine doing this with something a lot more serious. Actually, from my experiences, I've never had anything too serious to deal with so I wouldn't be able to know. Yeah, I think they would think I'm a jerk if I acted out in that manner.

Funny now though because I fed my foes more insecurities from responding in that manner to them. They incorrigibly labeled it as their own ammunition. These are my presumptions that I am putting out. The only proof I have is that they just kept on yelling away at me, so that's my explanation after trying to put everything together.

Okay, so the only regret was mainly watching too much TV and my parents were there. Man, it was boring and I just felt that burn of just watching TV so I just got up and left them. I have better things to do fortunately, which isn't depressing.

I seriously need to find a way to manage my personal time better and to be more efficient at it. Yeah, that's what I personally need these days. I'm still thinking about how I could skim through reading the Bible verse by verse with Dr. McGee's commentary of the whole Bible which is a blessing to the Christian community! I just love how he approaches popular topics and it's just made so relevant today even though he's super old and dead right now. He would be 114 years old, if he was still alive which is remarkable. He wouldn't be that old, I think if he was still around.