Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Goals 101 to Goals 9999

I'm skipping to graduating with my class of finishing goals right away. I'm taking the class Goals 9999 now instead of Goals 101. I've been failing Goals 101 and like a person whose so full of it that I am, I'm boosting myself up to infinite levels of peril.

I have goals with my video games. I feel so sheepish. I can push those aside and do something else. Like yesterday, I got out and did some bowling. I also played my piano for about an hour and I was rocking with a metronome. It's one of those self-winding devices that sound to indicate a basic quarter note for keeping time. It's fun really to stay in tempo while trying to read and play a difficult music sheet.

I then ended the night while playing my character HitMan01 on my PSP Vita. He's rocking and dealing like 5 K damage max per hit to enemies that surround him. He shouts Rawrrr each time I push the square button simultaneously. He then charges the air after jumping up to three times in a row. It's so funny to do that with a full house of online players in the same stage with me. I'm playing Dragon's Crown and I have no vendetta about my dumb foes in real life joining me to play with me. We can conquer enemies in the online world together! In the real world, you (the dumb foes) need time to recover with your lack of knowledge to get along with people!

Yeah, I ended up doing the nasty with myself. It took about 10 minutes. I was trying to outlast it and break my record. It's a lot easier and I think would be looser grip in the real world instead of that tight feeling that comes from dating Jill. It feels like I'm neutering myself, so yeah I should stop. I should just give up with that nonsense and be like hey baby to my wife if I ever get married, we're making a baby really quick if that night ever gets to me. Just screw it man, love comes with a cost anyway and I'm a sinner who will be expensive to marry for a reluctant, ugly woman! She needs to be hot!

Secretly though (no secret just honest), I just want to fall in love and if she stays chubby after pregnancy then yeah, she's my girl I'm taking care of and with that frustration, I'll go take it out on my dumb foes to practice and tire out my Napoleon complex. My girl won't have to exercise, but she has to eat right and take some daily walks with me; she'll also get encouragement to run with me even though she doesn't have to exercise daily, but still she'll be getting so much words of encouragement from me then and I'll even cook delicious and healthy food that she likes if she goes out with me to do those activities.