Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Weird Feeling

I'm under one of those weird feelings right now where I could just go all random and in the end regret it from not getting anything done. I guess I'm going to try to change it around this time with these emotions. What I really love about this blog these days is that it's been really great to just type away and let out all my dirty secrets that's just been bugging me.

Okay, I'm actually a pretty decent guy for standards according to this world. To God's standard, I'm only still standing because of my faith in Jesus. I really do want to walk according to the ways of Christ. I know how that can sound offensive for some people especially if I try to convince them to do the same. Well, it has to all start with having a relationship with God. It isn't about just doing a bunch of do's and dont's.

Looks like for myself, just reading the Bible daily with the commentary by Dr. McGee and going for a verse-by-verse approach and three chapters a day, I'm spending quite a lot of time with trying to understand what the Bible is saying. I've found myself to be really sleepy while reading the Bible as well and it's something I've been doing to try to stay awake with. However, I've noticed a whole big difference with reading the Bible while not being that sleepy and feeling well-rested. It's like the sessions go by a lot smoother and it happened because I was just in my room with really no distractions.

I guess I'm getting a lot better at studying while being myself in my own room. My own personal distractions is pretty much the stuff that goes on in my head and not being in the living room. I guess I have less things to keep me from being distracted. My parents are really quite boring in how they spend they day. They just end up watching TV through the evening and then fall asleep on the couch before retreating into their bedrooms. It's pretty much the same old pretty boring lifestyle. This could probably have been one of the reasons for me to not really try to listen to my parents when they told me to find someone to settle down with.