Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What It Would Mean To Be Rich

Well being rich would mean that I could afford some cool stuff, but I'm obviously going to stay number one over it all. I even value a homeless guy's life over my money to say the truth. Why? Because he's a living and breathing person and he hasn't done anything to me yet so I don't have to judge him so harshly. When it comes to giving him money while he's begging, I'm going to be no, go get a job or just suffer on the streets there asking people to take pity on you. I pity those homeless people so much and in Las Vegas, when an old guy walked up to me to ask for some money to buy himself a short meal, I was like okay. He then ran off in a bicycle. I know that earning five dollars for begging is going to take some work and if he wants to blow it all off on some lotto ticket then good for him if he gets it, but I hope money doesn't end up running his life if he gets back on track.

Having a lot of money and then using it to invest in cool stuff to make even more sounds fun, but it's not worth giving up love. I would love to spend my time also traveling with some great companions too. I could even hook up my friends and family who are so precious to me. There's a lot of great stuff I could do with this resource and I'm glad to be a discerning giver. What I mean by that is I believe that I have been called by God's spirit to be a giver to promote the spreading of the gospel and to also discern the right players in that field.

Yeah, I'm meant to be a rich person because I don't care about comparing myself to others about being wealthy in the first place. I can care less if I had no money as long as I had enough things to do but that's impossible with how this world is running, so I have to play the game too of making myself wealthy in a really smart way so that I won't have to stress out about money and then run away from hot women who are into guys with money.

Looks don't really matter to me when it comes to a relationship but it's definitely going to catch my interest with considering the girl to be my hot wife if she's interested. I think I care about personality 90% and the final touches are about her appearance. If she's decent enough and not going to be fat or just barely meat on the bone, then okay, I can see something promising with an awesome sex life happening!

This is fun to write about and communicate with great friends too. I'm figuring that one girl I know out of all the other female friends is really comfortable about me talking about sex with her. There's another great girl too and she's pretty much like my compatible lover if she didn't have a boyfriend, but I like how I'm great friends with her too so my relationships with gorgeous women might be able to transcend really well and even be flexible.