Monday, April 27, 2020

Current Interests

For making a living, I'm trying to focus on four things right now which are programming, online poker, trading currencies, and completing four mini-Master degree programs! I also have personal interests with studying the Bible, cooking, working out, playing the piano, and video games. A long term goal for me is finding someone just right to marry, if she's really out there. I'm sure she is, so I just need to make the time to go to her and she might not even be my ethnicity. Therefore, I might as well prepare myself to move out of my crazy, conservative parents' home!

It's pretty simple with what I'm looking for mainly and it's to make myself independent and create a lot of personal time to do fun things and enjoy life. I guess I'm not that lucky compared to others with finding my partner even though I blew some opportunities. I just didn't want to at the time, so maybe it could be just that I desire to have sex for a good while with someone attractive and then pack things up, but doing that doesn't seem right to me so I've been living this quiet existence so far. I think whenever I'm truly ready to then might as well start pursuing and not worry about getting rejected so many times. It's not something for me to get mad about anyway and so might as well keep on working on myself and just have fun while looking to fall in love with someone beautiful someday. 

It's been pretty fun over all though and taking a journey while going where I'm supposed to be headed. I've been so nervous and quiet for too long, so now putting in the hard work with a positive attitude even though things might feel a lot more duller sometimes is the way for me to go.