Saturday, April 4, 2020

Finding Nice Inspiration

I'm starting to see how truly inspiring it is to see a happy, talented child being a pro at something already from all the hard work he or she put into it. This gets me thinking that to be at the top of your game, you really should keep a positive attitude no matter what and just focus with a lot of hard work. This is all there is to it, and I struggled with it all my life. Only recently have I been starting to see things in a more better way for me.

When it comes to finding love, I believe that it's cool to not force it no matter what others ask you about. It's okay to stay single and enjoy life long as you can. The Bible does say that a man who loves his wife, loves himself so it can start with a man learning to love himself unconditionally and applying some self-improvement here and there for some more happiness.

The future wife for me is out there and even if some people might not wish it upon me like the good Bible-oriented Christians because they would prefer me serving God as a single man, I guess it's not really their decision to begin with. I think the how part is really trying to see the world as half-full and making this attitude so infectious that you are naturally working hard and focusing on something to help make the world a better place. 

The positive thing I see it for myself is to compete fairly with others who are in the game with me for earning lots of money and then give back some of it to help out society. It must just mean I literally have a business model of just competing while finding it to be so fun and interesting, while so flexible that I don't need to rely on others and can be the man to call the shots with the company of just one person. Maybe I can create a one-man corporation someday and make donations for my tax write-offs and get that major tax discount so I won't owe a lot to the IRS and have a comfortable saving to keep on competing while being able to enjoy and accommodate some expensive luxuries.