Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Staying Hard At Work

From what I have been thinking, the stuff that made me mad in the past doesn't really matter anymore because I never had a resentment towards those things. I've always wanted to get along right after giving into the flesh and trying to beat it up so much into submission. Yeah, it's pretty funny and can be relatable to the reader with just about anything and I specifically don't know everybody's details but I can relate to my own the best.

From the lessons I have learned, honesty really is the best and there has to be some strategy to go into a battle, even if it's unintentional. A conflict is pretty much a struggle with two differing interests. For example, one person wants you to stop talking about something and you just want to keep going. The other person is pretty much saying that she has just had it enough with you and is going crazy! I did this to a lady who was really mad because I was giving her a hard time with not letting her try to just understand me? I don't recall how hot she was, but I think if I was more open to it back then, then she would have been someone to try to date. I wasn't feeling mentally satisfied about the situation with the group she was a part of and how I fit into the mold. I was so exhausted mentally and struggling to find a way with fitting in and then they became afraid of me because I wouldn't stop whatever I was doing for my own selfish schemes. It wasn't anything illegal but they felt I was holding them back from achieving their purpose of being a famous brand to the world. A little crazy if you tell me because it dealt with the life of going to a church. I never really got it because I was always to myself, while struggling with so many negative thoughts and emotions. 

Nowadays, I'm just laughing about it and loving myself better. It just turned around for me and my mental buildup just started changing for the better. I'm still a shorty and learning to live with how others will say I'm lacking in good looks while confounding them with normal or really good looking features around my body. It just goes to say that I could argue that it doesn't matter in general and doesn't make you a bad person from being labeled short, just that it's a big deal to some for whatever reasons they want to hold on to. It's not really their fault either. 

I think it's something to just dismiss and laugh about personally while learning to fend off a bunch of dummies who try to give you a hard time about it. Once this objective has been achieved, there really is some peace and sound of mind. So in a way, I don't think I'm missing out and just that she's out there and something I could do while living my single life is to work at self-improvement and keeping myself happy by accomplishing regular goals daily. 

Maybe my parents won't ever fully understand me because of how they met and married while not knowing each other that well enough and how I grew up as a person, but I'm pretty much an adult now and get to make my own personal life decisions here and accept all the consequences. I'll do the best I can to keep them positive going for myself but if some are negative then there's not much I can really do about it! The bottom line is I'm going to be protective of my interests and not get frustrated nor be a jerk about it. Basically, it's about staying joyful with whatever you are doing and being focused with making the world a better place even if there's a lot of perks going into it for yourself.