Saturday, April 25, 2020

Making Progress

It looks like I kept on sticking with it even with the rut I put myself through. It was just a matter of commitment with maintaining self-control and pulling through with my best efforts while paying attention to how things are going. Maybe it's just that I have been developing some talent with playing a couple popular zero-sum games. They are highly competitive and has its highs and lows but I still enjoy it enough to want to be good enough so that it can sustain me with some comfortable income.

I'm not really going to talk about it too much anymore, since I don't want to give away my secrets that I have been working so hard on. I think it's pretty unfair to have put in a lot of work and then give it away freely from enjoying some success due to the nature of the business. It's true that some have better advantages over others and how some people in those scenarios could be dealing with some type of mental disability that keeps them from improving themselves! It's pretty much a business if you are looking at it from that perspective and they should know better or seek some help besides being so stubborn and losing a lot more money or even worse with alienating themselves from their loved ones.

I'm pretty much playing poker and trading currency to try to gain some supplemental income and will hopefully be enough earnings someday to not have to work anymore while enjoying the fruits of my labor. The very act of participating in it is pretty much the willingness to put in some consistent attention and pick up on some proven strategies that just keep on working. It's overall pretty difficult while requiring a lot of patience, but I guess if it can get fun and even with the outcome being a stinker sometimes, if it's something you are truly interested in then there's really no one holding you back except yourself and misfortune in some cases.