Friday, May 14, 2021

Keeping Up to Date

It looks like the way I want to do things now is a pretty set routine to keep myself happy. It makes a lot of sense for me to keep personal maintenance. 

I'd like to just get a few personal things done at the bare minimum after having dinner before I do anything else. What I do is of course subjected to change at any time, but for the time being these are the three things I want to maintain:

Investing and Trading

It looks like I'm dabbling into stocks little by little while tweaking my Forex trading skills on a daily basis. This is just happening naturally for me. I'm seeing growth on my portfolio regularly from just contributing funds and letting the stocks accumulate profit. For Forex, I don't really have that much invested in it but I am overtrading it in terms of percentage. I'm trying to still learn a profitable style that I could just put on repeat regularly while being comfortable with the same software tools that I have decided to adopt permanently. The principle that I'm using is the numbers game of high frequency trading while investing the minimal amount as possible to account for the high percentage of losses that I'm expecting in my Forex trades for a while. 

Personal Hygiene

It's important that I should go to bed while feeling clean and since I can't seem to keep myself up to workout, I might as well just get this out of the way before I pass out for the entire night and risk stinking up my bed while having to do regular laundry that could have been avoided from playing it safer. I do use hair loss prevention products and want to brush my teeth so all of this requires me to apply it twice a day. I have chosen to do both once in the morning or afternoon and then at night.

Personal Maintenance

I'm just thinking about taking care of bills and going out to shop for things that I feel like using. I don't really want to leave all of this hanging from having been distracted by something. It would be better to just put in the little effort to get these small hassles out of the way. 

Afterwards, it's time to relax and do anything whether it be reading a book, schedule something with friends, trying to purchase an item, working out, or watching something entertaining before my night is up. What's also interesting is that from Friday to Sunday, I can afford to lay off of focusing on my investments and running trades.