Saturday, May 8, 2021

Slowly Getting Myself There

I think it's really just the mentality of pushing yourself because you really want to do something that makes it all count! Along with having a ton of confidence with a positive attitude, this belongs wherever and even when dealing with a few dumb people that are currently part of your life.  

This just means that there's patience that needs to take place, along with maintaining self-discipline. You really can't go wrong with this. I'm starting to figure now that there are a lot of cool things out there to go after, since I'm comfortable underneath my shell. 

For the time being, I think I'll just keep on writing on here whenever I need to decompress my mind a little and stay focused on the task at hand. There's really no need to waste precious time that detracts from personal goals and working hard at a company until the shift is over and you can find room to relax a little.