Monday, September 27, 2021

Getting Around to Satisfaction

I think a lot of it is about the same old hard work with a positive attitude and plenty of confidence. I'm starting to get a lot better at it and I think it's really about putting in the determination even when it feels a little stressful sometimes. Overall, things are just starting to flow better for me, and I think it's really from having learned a lot from the past.

I really had an exciting confrontation with a past loser today. I sent him an email that was related to our scuffle in the past and had a happy revelation on it. He wasn't that happy to read about my progress and started trying to put me down while exhibiting those angry symptoms that I wrote about in the last post.  

I ended up shutting him down for good this time around after bantering him in a reply message and then telling him to move on and shut up! Well, it didn't hurt that I claimed the victory with him from how he failed to get me in trouble.