Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Riding Steady Consistency With Low Risk

Honestly, I just want to mainly protect myself from losing a lot of money while using a working system to make a lot of money and then retire early. There's really no certainty in place with timing the market, so I will just accept that I don't know and stick to what works on the long term scale. By risking so little and putting it on something with a high reward, if you lose then it doesn't hurt that bad but if you win then great! 

It's really about continuously testing the product and landing on something that really works. For myself, I just got on board with an investing group from believing a reputable public figure. A year later, I'm making some money comfortably while still getting my feet wet. I'm not really losing that much when the market is down while experiencing a continuous uptrend. It's a cool situation to experience and plus, investing in stocks has turned out to be safer and more reliable with letting it ride while using the tools I have purchased. I'm pretty happy with how this has been turning out for me in the end. 

I just need to get really good with making money on Forex then my side gig will become a huge cash machine on a consistent basis.