Saturday, December 5, 2009

Setting Personal Stuff Aside

I realize that I'm really better than some people I'm dealing with right now. I know that I'm supposed to just set aside my personal feelings that are not feeling the resolve part. It's been distracting me a lot. Without yelling and turning my thoughts into guilt, I turned to humor and trying to be nice and the best I can be. I can sort of feel proud about this accomplishment, even though it's not that much with me. These people I have been dealing with are actually pretty small in their status. I can now not feel so offended listening to comments or feeling so bothered when I see a cop around. I know what I'm capable of doing and what my rights are and how I will be improvising to keep those unalienable rights upon myself and others without doing anything bad which comes from observing the law of God.

It's a great struggle and much better than just feeling like a sloth. I'm pretty much growing into a more bigger individual now and feel so much better. I don't feel so bothered listening or reading bad comments about myself anymore. I know who I am and what I want to stand for. I'm still not going to let this pressure that they sort of been fostering in a negative way to keep me from helping others in the world. I'm still going to exercise agape love to the best of my ability and to what I know Jesus has done for me. The main things that I'm focusing on is trying to release my frustrations in the most healthy matter. It does not deal with talking to some professional. I know what they are, and if I did not end up in prison for it even though they said I would then I'm practically fine. Haha. I know the consequences now, and how it's going to affect them if they are to add me back in to their lives. I know how I'm going to remain- the best as ever and making room to improve even better and to help others in this world. I feel pretty good. It's all of these thoughts on my father's birthday today. Hehe.