Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Managing Through All This

I'm starting to live with a better positive attitude for myself. I feel really great about what I have to offer, and I need to not feel so let down with myself especially when I feel that I want to mean well with anything that I'm doing. Despite a lot of bizarre chain reactions that try to frustrate me, I need to lift myself above that surface and really become better at it.

I now need to live in pursuit of managing my time a lot better and being a more improved person mentally, physically, and spiritually. I'm going to start listening to others and not let it really overflow my heart with frustrations now. I'm totally better than all this that has happened to me. I'm pretty much the same spirited person I was since I learned to accept it in lieu of people by loving others with respect and honoring Christ in my heart.

I'm going to have to become diligent like crazy and take some financial risks when I can afford it.