Sunday, March 28, 2010

Motion To Vacate Restraining Order Part 6

I technically submitted to the gist of the nature which was not to talk to Annie and Betty, who are not the people in question with this restraining order. This was supposed to be done at someone's rented apartment, according to the so-called labeled leaders. These self-described leaders also stated that I could vocalize myself with a simple word, "Hello" with them. Trying to utilize reasonably in this situation where they were jumping to conclusions, I thought e-mailing them along with those people involved would be a sensible way of trying to relieve the situation, along with dissolve the adrenaline that I was getting. If I could say hello to them, then a restraining order's purpose is to not talk to them. This does not add up in a sense where I have any direction. E-mailing is my attempt to make sense with them. If none of it was really violent and my frustrating comments were turning into some off-humor, then my adrenaline is definitely not a dangerous part of me but will make me appear to be rash enough to be okay with imparting likeness or neutrality. I am definitely glad that the courts will confirm that none of my writing is violent. My embedded frustration that they thought I had was actually a joke because I related it to be just nothing and something I could still function in life efficiently with. The alleged comment that God would punish those who speak and lie about others in private was actually related to a sermon I heard once. I am pretty happy in my faith already dealing with Christ. Not that I cannot function or detect people who are prone to have temper tantrums, such as  a yelling police man who revealed that he was mad with me beforehand. The message someone felt uncomfortable about is actually only directed at Chris, but I sent it to a multitude of the guys. Annie and Betty are young women who are not related to Chris at all. Chris does have a relation with other guys, such as Jarred, Golf, and Chai. That is why I forwarded that copy to only Chris' male peers and leaders. The main people are Chris, Jarred, and Golf. They failed to show up to court to give witness. Annie, Betty, Chai showed up and I had little relation to them with this restraining order. Therefore, this whole restraining order should be nullified.

If they were the ideal and impartial people who said they wanted to help which they implied to me in the beginning. I think they would state something like this:

    I am concerned for you, I can in no way help you over the internet, but I can guess that you spend a     lot of time alone thinking to yourself. Which is fine, but complete isolation is not good for you. Go     spend some time with a close friend that you are comfortable with so you dont spend all of your time     thinking. And start working on your social skills.

    You are probably scaring these girls you are talking to online, stop before they take some sort of     legal action against you.

In response to my full caring and at least a little bit of ecstatic laughing, I would now comfortably reply on these lines:

    I actually used to know these girls from a church I went out to. Things went really out of hand     because I did not really say anything about it. I thought they were all being nice and trying to reach     out to me. What makes me really mad is that they were trying to change me into someone I did not     want to be. I felt really forced and insulted at the same time. I guess I was really selfish at the time     only with feeling insulted. Other than that, I was really agitated about them doing something that     could potentially be bad for me. I don't know how I'm going to act, but by being the best I can be I     don't plan on stalking them. By visiting a certain area they are there and I think around people I do     really well, except that when I'm really distracted with adrenaline it gets really hard for me to be nice     because I have a tendency to yell really badly and then feel bad right away. If I feel bad then I end     up leaving them alone for good with a purpose. Over all, I think this whole thing is about them     wanting to be be in a relationship. I just never popped them the question because I was afraid of     rejection and more than that, I would feel really embarrassed feeling a rejection coming out of those     girls because I just didn't see them worth any class. Maybe, it's just kind to ask them if this is     dealing with a relationship even though I don't see a forecast with them and go from there. I'm man     enough to handle a confirmed rejection from some girls that I don't really see as my type but sort of     attracted to. I got some laughs and just a tad of appreciation thinking about having sexual relations     with them.