Saturday, October 23, 2010

Balancing Fun And Work

Something that really gets to me a little is my spiritual life. I seem to think quite a bit about it because it's an important aspect to me. Praying to God has really helped me figure out my own identity, likes, and dislikes. The Bible has really brought me guidance when I was really missing it in my life. I remember some prayer requests that Annie Tran of Hope of God Church made. Well, the prayer requests don't really go around anymore. I remember submitting my own and then it became reworded and wasn't exactly word for word, which is sort of interesting. What sort of bothered me about Annie was that she requested being prayed for about finding guidance. I don't really think you really have to worry about that, when your being faithful to God. Oh well, she was a little misguided somewhere then. The church pastor over there, Chai, also claimed that Annie could do what prophets do; pretty interesting. Interesting how a church looks to so much about the Holy Spirit and make it about life repeating itself on some concepts, which gets sort of dry but people still give into it. More or less, that's just how some people were born and don't mind; now that I think about it.  

So me being sued for being honest by some weird church people? Nah, I don't see it happening now. Just sticking to honesty is pretty much all I really need to do now. Yeah, even if it hurts me more than them to pain myself in being truthful. If I can stay closely to being honest with myself, then maybe I can be decent at focusing too. I'm going to try to stick to having fun on the weekend and just go all out with work when I'm supposed to work. I need to be serious and want to be ahead of things in my new business that I created. Reading the Bible for me only takes at most 15 minutes a day and it would cover the whole Scriptures in one year, even though I don't catch every single verse and my mind still wonders off. Dedicating myself on Sundays to prayer and worship with God sounds great. Even doing it throughout the week feels great too. I think I'm going to be all about balancing spiritual things and work during the week and then just have a whole lot of fun during the weekend because that's when I really don't work that much. The nature of my business is off on Friday nights, all day Saturday, and to the evening on Sunday, so it gives me plenty of time to have fun while I count the profits and work hard for it during the week.