Friday, October 22, 2010

Free Computer Games

I have found that there are a lot of good computer games out there which are free to play. I just googled for free online games and then hit this website that pretty much reviews every free game that has hit the market. Most of these games require some fee to play extra but you still get to explore a computer game and have fun interacting with other players while it lasts. Some of these are indefinitely free to play meaning that there are no restrictions to play the whole game. I played this one game all night called Ace Online, which is a jet fighter science fiction game and pretty addicting. It's free to play indefinitely and the graphics are pretty awesome for something that's free and the missions are endless because you practically get one per level. The monsters also give you a sufficient amount of experience, along with the missions you complete so it's not uncommon to find people who get to like level 90. 

This goes to my theory that anything is possible with making money and that you should do it while enjoying it. It's even possible to make money while playing games against other people online, and this does not have to do with online casino games. I believe that some old folks are really quite successful at making a living with playing online games and that they are really unique in that their minds must be still staying sharp playing against other young gamers. Best of all, making money while playing games require no start-up fee and is free!