Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today is a day where some people will go partying whereas some kids will go trick-or-treating. Because it's a Sunday, I think the partying won't be so crazy like it would on a Friday night. Since I'm at a new neighborhood for the first time, I'm not sure what my neighbors will be doing. It's pretty upscale here and seems like a conservative residency so maybe I won't see too many spooky costumes around here today.

I remember at my old town where I heard a story that some pesky residents from out of town would drive their kids to a rich neighborhood around where I lived and drop them off to go trick-or-treating. I remember when I went trick-or-treating then after awhile, my mom became bored of babysitting me to go trick-or-treating and said I was too old by the time I was in the 6th grade. Well, I don't really celebrate Halloween these days and the only time I would act like it is if I wanted to mock the holiday and scare some people intentionally. I would create a haunted shack and try to scare the living daylights out of some nasty adults- this is only if I happen to be pretty mad at the neighbors and I can't move out of there.

That was pretty funny to mention, I know and so I should keep this whole being honest-for-fun act going. I wonder whose going to be at the park today during this fine afternoon. A church is conducting a Scare Festival today which might be fun to check out later. I might go see what it's all about. I remember being there one year and being a volunteer; at the end of the night, I dumped all this candy into the kids' bag which was so fun to do. I wasn't that interested in munching on candy but nonetheless, I felt different from those greedy businesses who charge you to get some candy when you enter the door; they might still charge you for extra candy bars if you really want it!