Friday, October 15, 2010

An Extra Post For The Holidays

Well, I'm just going to take a few more minutes to write whatever the heck I feel like just that I'm going to be super honest that it may break down some people who are try to find the negatives of this blog. What I'm doing sounds really nice, right? I'm turning people who want to mock this website into people who are forced to not care and go bother somebody else about their personal problems. So I can't force people to stay off my property, this website is like my lawn so people are coming on here to read what I have to put.

I'm just kidding about that, it's cool so share the wealth of knowledge that you have with the world. Let me know that I'm really sinking down faster than a Star Wars ship with Jedi knights on it going light speed to come to the rescue and then have the star Jedi chop off Bubba Fett's head off or something like that; I forgot who was the clone? I'm debating whether it's good or not to look that up really fast. I gotta focus on something else right now, so sayonara; hastala vista Arnie!